Some Stories...

Belinda Baker with Raj (German Shepherd - Long Coat)
"We got Raj from a breeder in South Australia and knew how important it was to get him in training from a pup, we had heard about Sahil from Elite Canines Training from Mark Murray's web site and gave him a call to do some one on one training with our pup Raj who was only 3 months old at this stage but totally out of control with mouthing and jumping, from the moment Sahil came to our home we learned how to control our dog and our lives were changed . We now attend training every Saturday morning training and both Raj and I love the social interaction and learnings we get, I now have a dog that is a joy to take out in public, he is so obedient and is learning so much.
I highly recommend Sahil's classes for anyone needing assistance with their dogs."

Blake Rutledge with Duke (German Shorthaired Pointer)
"Duke is a purebred German Shorthaired Pointer I got him at 8 weeks old. Duke wasn't too flash with the commands I had taught him such as sit,wait and down. So I decided to take duke to the Elite Canines training program at 4 months old. I enrolled Duke in the beginner class and after two weeks of the program in I saw a little bit of improvement and how I noticed that he's obedience problems were starting to get better and better. After Duke completed the beginner class he advanced to intermediate class. In the intermediate class I realised how good the program was and how much it impacted my dog. After moving Duke from intermediate class to advanced dog training I realised how much potential my dog had and that this program was benefiting duke a lot. This program has taught both my dog and me a lot about obedience and how to stimulate dogs minds in different ways. Thank you Sahil for all the work you have put in to make my dog be what he is today."

Mark with Daisy And Weasel (English Cocker Spaniel)
"Daisy and Weasel were both rescue dogs. Weasel was a puppy farm breeding dog who spent most of her life in a cage. A very scared dog who was unapproachable. Daisy was owned by an elderly lady who she just became too much. She had very little training and was 8 months old.
Weasel I could not get near unless I was putting her on a leash to go for a walk. Daisy was a very affectionate dog and very hard to get under control. The training instruction was different for the two dogs and within a few days there were noticeable changes in both of them. Daisy was attentive; she had stopped pulling on the leash and has become calmer. Weasel will now approach me and although still a work in progress is showing more confidence. I am less stressed as well knowing how to work with the dogs and not get frustrated."

Bridey with Sherlock (Miniature Schnauzer)
"When Sherlock was just a young pup of 16 weeks he got attacked by another dog. This left him fearful of unfamiliar dogs, especially dogs who appeared excited. He would eyeball every dog that we went past on our walks and growl at any stranger that got too close. Sherlock had also taken a fancy to chewing books and clothes. Due to my location and work, I only had weekends to attempt to re-socialize him, as by the time I made it to the popular parks most people had gone home. On top of this we were an all female household, so Sherlock was unaccustomed to deep voices.
With Sherlock being my first dog, what followed was a long process of trial and error. As I was nervous and stressed and unprepared, this made Sherlock stressed and nervous too . Because of this I needed as much training as Sherlock did. Finally I got an amazing offer from Sahil Verma. Sahil began meeting me on the weekends and worked with both Sherlock and I. He showed me different techniques, showed Sherlock there was nothing to fear and gave advice on products. Sahil gave me confidence, which gave Sherlock confidence. He even brought his own dog Doug to our fourth session when he felt Sherlock was ready. That day was the biggest test, I remember being so thrilled after. Who knew that Sherlock would be able to ever meet and greet a strange dog so nicely, then accept him and walk with him as a pack?
Since then I have moved into town, had lots of new people at the house and Sherlock has been calm and well behaved."

Susan Goddard with Bones McCoy (Jack Russell Terrier))
"Bones was not a pleasure to walk on the lead, he would pull all the way and zig zag from side to side, sniffing and peeing on things. This was the main trait I wanted to correct. Also I wanted to learn how to teach him to sit and stay. Basic training to make him easier to handle. I wanted to learn how to show Bones that he is not the Master of the household.
With Sahil's advice and teaching, Bones is so well behaved when we walk, no pulling and straight ahead. We have changed his feeding habits and he has lost weight. We now feed him after we eat, another way to show him that he is not the boss. With Sahil showing us how to make small changes, Bones is becoming a better behaved member of our family."

Amanda Finnis & John Heitmann with Butch & Rowdy (Kelpies)
"Butch & Rowdy are really affectionate, smart dogs with energy to burn. When they were very young (approximately 10 weeks) we asked Sahil to help us with some basic obedience training. Sahil spent some time training Butch & Rowdy on things like "come", "sit", "down" and importantly, he showed us how we can be trainers of our dogs when we are not at a formal session. It was great to see someone who really knows what he's doing working with dogs.
Those early lessons really stuck and Butch and Rowdy are well behaved (most of the time) and heaps of fun (all of the time)."